Rakesh N N Chinta
The NAG Show
How to incorporate the principles of PM in your job search. AWS Senior PM - Srini Sekaran

How to incorporate the principles of PM in your job search. AWS Senior PM - Srini Sekaran

Srini Sekaran is a senior product manager at Amazon. He talks about:

  1. How to incorporate PM principles into your job search

  2. How to embrace your unique journey when reaching out to recruiters

  3. How to differentiate yourself from the other job applicants

  4. Precious advice on students seeking to break into PM

His achievements:

  1. Machine learning at NASA Ames, for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis.

  2. Founded Gavano, an enterprise startup venture-backed by Georgia Tech.

  3. Publishing a book on launching products with 1k+ reads.

About Rakesh:A recent graduate from the University of Michigan focused on Computer Science, Business, and Entrepreneurship. Currently, he is working as a PM at Microsoft.Incoming Grad Student with a focus on CS: ML, Quant at Harvard University. He previously worked with various firms in a mix of product, strategy, and software engineering roles: Google, Uber, SpaceX, Facebook, Single store. He also loves to spend his time looking at new venture investments, closely working with VC firms like Soma Capital, Heartland VC, Unshackled VC, etc. He spends his time experimenting with various product ideas within the realms of the venture.

About 'The NAG Show: Join Rakesh as he interviews people from various domains of expertise. He dives in with deep informal conversations about their unique experiences, tactics, strategies implemented, learnings from failures, and optimized systems and processes that eventually made them who they are. Topics primarily deal with tech, venture, startups & entrepreneurship, product, and everyday life.

Rakesh N N Chinta
The NAG Show
Join Rakesh as he interviews people from various domains of expertise. He dives in with deep informal conversations about their unique experiences, tactics, strategies implemented, learnings from failures, and optimized systems and processes that eventually made them who they are. Topics primarily deal with tech, venture, startups & entrepreneurship, product, and everyday life.